Little Adair was so sick this past week, with Bronchitis and ear infections and chest x-rays and finally an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. We ended up at the Pediatrician's office 5 times this week. (I am so grateful we still have health insurance).
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So Sick Yet Still So Cute
Posted by
12:49 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Snow Day
Yesterday we had our annual "Seattle" snowstorm, with two inches of snow followed by two days of recovery. Classes were canceled, cars were stuck, mittens were dug out of closets. When we first moved to Issaquah 5 years ago we would laugh at the snow panic, but I must admit that I too haven't left the house in two days. There's something about becoming acclimated/adjusted, you don't want to go and spoil a good thing. Yes, we love Seattle and we love the rain!
Posted by
9:20 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Name: Noah Peter Boehme
Age: 3 years and 3 days
Weight: 27 lbs
Eye Color: Gray
Nicknames: Woaha, Woahz and Puppy
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches and Fruit Snacks
Favorite toy: Sleepy Truck (Mack from Cars)
Favorite movie: Cars and Elmo's Potty Time
Things to remember about Noah at age three: He's easily frustrated when he can't do things, he loves his Cars collection and has to sleep with them every night, he has been addicted to chocolate milk ever since he refused to wean to regular milk at age one. I have been putting chocolate in his milk ever since then, and am now trying to wean him to regular milk once again. He is very physical-he likes to wrestle and push and jump on his Mom and Dad. He has so much energy that I wish I could medicate him (maybe I can?). He has good weeks and bad weeks. He is left handed (a genius in the making). He is better with numbers than with letters. He makes me laugh everyday.
Posted by
8:31 PM
Happy Birthday
Every year on my birthday my parents would recount the story of my birth. The name of the hospital, how I was delivered by a resident, blah..blah...blah.....and I would always think, these people are ridiculous. But the other day, while Noah was busy turning three, all I could think about were the events leading up to his delivery. How I went grocery shopping earlier in the day with Noelle and she said "don't let those heavy bags send you into labor". How I cried in front of Candice because she denied us a parking spot in the Avalon Wynhaven lot. and then I sat up late finishing an alphabet wall hanging for your room, that I would never put up. And than...two hours later, in my sleep, my water broke, and Pete ran around in a Panic. Somehow, we didn't even know that if water broke a baby would be born and we left for the hospital without a bag, without a camera. I remember what I wore and the tsunami news on the TV and Pete passed out in the recliner while you were born. and i remember how tiny you were and that you didn't have any baby fat and that i was scared to take you home. and i remember crying for days after that and thinking you were going to die and that there was never going to be any relief. That I would never do anything without you, and that I would never want to do anything without you. Your past three years have been my whole life, you're alive and I'm alive, and I love you Noah.
Posted by
8:10 AM